Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today we began our long weekend house sitting for my in-laws who just happen to have a lovely pool. They live in the same town that we do, actually just up the hill, but to be in their backyard you would never guess that you are "in town". We visit all the time, but it is nice to have the house to ourselves and be away from our own house, it does feel like a little vacation, and not once did we here "are we there yet". Once we arrived little miss went strait to "her room" to lay out her precious cargo she packed to bring, and little man headed strait for his swimming trunks. This evening the kids enjoyed the pool while I sat working on the hexagon throw listening to a podcast from craftsanity. Very nice.
My little miss is very difficult to catch before she strikes a pose for the camera, my little man starts hiding as soon as he sees me pull it out of the bag:)
We decided to light the torches with citronella oil to ward off the pesky mosquitoes.
After a while I took a break from the hexagon throw and started playing with some embroidery thread I had. I don't really have a purpose for this little guy, maybe he will end up as an embellishment on would be a really great scarf, but at the moment I don't have the kind of patience it would take to crochet a hundred hexagons with embroidery floss:) maybe another time.


  1. OHhh....can I come over and learn to make a gorgeous blanket, with yoU?! :) I am envious of your talent with yarn! *sniff*.....I just need some lessons and I'd be off and rolling, too! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
    Best wishes,

  2. ooh- i love this crochet of yours! the colours are divine.

  3. I've vacationed like that at a friend's house just 20 minutes away...but far enough my cell phone won't work and I'm forced to sit poolside!
